Sharing practical tools by fusing music, spirituality & design.


Crafting a community of growth.

The music of Tahüm is an integral part of the curriculum taught by experts in design, psychology, and spirituality. The songs act as a vehicle for these lessons to be expressed and experienced, allowing a deep and impactful journey to the truth.

We aim to facilitate a safe and empowering space for individuals to connect with each other, share their stories, learn from other practitioners, and walk an authentic path using love as fuel.

  • Through engaging workshops, programs, and tours led by talented facilitators and experienced mentors, we equip learners with 21st-century skills and practical magic through the power of music.

  • By combining spiritual tools & practices with design methods taught at Stanford University's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (aka. the, these offerings provide effective tools to create a meaningful and balanced life experience.

  • Bridging music and education offers a unique experience to grow through art, learn in a new way, and embrace an adaptive lifestyle of lifelong learning.

  • Find your truth, move past trauma and limiting beliefs, and use love as fuel to shift your life towards more purpose and authenticity. You are enough!


“I love the heart, mind, and body piece you bring in your own way – It’s a really simple and reductionist approach.”